رَسَائلُ فقهيِّة مُعَاصِرةٌ في الأصُـولِ والفُـرُوع > مراجعات كتاب رَسَائلُ فقهيِّة مُعَاصِرةٌ في الأصُـولِ والفُـرُوع > مراجعة ا. صالح عشور الازدي

رَسَائلُ فقهيِّة مُعَاصِرةٌ في الأصُـولِ والفُـرُوع - حسين جبار جدوع العزاوي
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    الى أين وصلت في القراءة؟

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It is a diverse book that combines doctrine, jurisprudence, jurisprudence, and Islamic economics. You can move between these doors and you are motivated to know what is in the next door. I am very eager to see it in our libraries and in the hands of our elders and teachers to learn from their pure spring knowledge and inform them of their students and their followers.

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