رَسَائلُ فقهيِّة مُعَاصِرةٌ في الأصُـولِ والفُـرُوع > اقتباسات من كتاب رَسَائلُ فقهيِّة مُعَاصِرةٌ في الأصُـولِ والفُـرُوع > اقتباس

These messages pride of forensic science trendy generally benefit from far and wide for easy add to their wording and smooth style and depth of the topics it right messages is enough for many of the references and meet with more Muslim needs that Ttaker in most of his days so I would advise all specialists in science legitimacy and students of forensic science need to buy them and encourage readable and the dissemination of constants among the people to be the building block of salvation from many of the wrong issues that dominated Muslim society in this day

هذا الاقتباس من كتاب