رَسَائلُ فقهيِّة مُعَاصِرةٌ في الأصُـولِ والفُـرُوع > اقتباسات من كتاب رَسَائلُ فقهيِّة مُعَاصِرةٌ في الأصُـولِ والفُـرُوع > اقتباس

This book presents the most important assets of its doctrine of Islamic law derived from the most important sources of legislation and corroborated Rhoda namely the Koran and the Sunnah correct and addressed the issue of the difference in the principles of faith and the judiciary And destiny in a manner not know many Muslims that sparked in the Muslim community serious issues claimed much of the The constants of the Muslim community , also raised when some doctrinal issues that give rise to considerable controversy which showed how Out of the controversial issues and resolved to urge Muslims not to be taken as a pretext to disperse Muslim row And sedition among them ask God Almighty reward and reconcile us and to all Islamic Ummah to get to the right through the standardization and unification flag .

هذا الاقتباس من كتاب